So.. Feb. 9th, 2025

The European Swift Conference

03febAll DayThe European Swift ConferenceParis

Event Details

Speaker lineup:

Kaya Thomas

Kaya Thomas

Kaya is the creator of We Read Too, a book directory mobile app showcasing books with main characters of color written by authors of colors. She currently works as a full time iOS developer at Calm, formerly at Slack. Kaya also writes professionally and does public speaking around the world.

Ishmael Shabazz

Ishmael Shabazz

Ish is an iOS developer from Southern California who has been developing apps since 2010. He was featured in the 2017 documentary, App: The Human Story and is currently working on Capsicum, a daily-planner for iOS. Ish loves giving back to the iOS community via Twitter, guesting on a podcast, or speaking at conferences.

Vincent Pradeilles

Vincent Pradeilles

Vincent started working on iOS apps back in 2011. For the last couple of years, he’s been working at Worldline, where he contributes to building great apps for major French banks. He’s spent the last year using the Internet to share the skills he’s acquired.

Guilherme Rambo

Guilherme Rambo

Gui is perhaps best known for his reverse engineering, his articles on 9to5Mac, and for being the cohost of the Stacktrace Podcast — but his main job is building apps for both the Mac and iOS. From the early days of the iPhone SDK, Gui has been passionate about building beautiful UIs, fluid animations, and great user experiences.

Tomás Ruiz-López

Tomás Ruiz-López

Tomás is the iOS/Swift Technical Lead at 47 Degrees. He has been doing mobile development for the last 9 years. Two years ago, he started learning Functional Programming and decided to create Bow, a library for FP written entirely in Swift.

Tim Condon

Tim Condon

Tim is the server-side Swift team lead at and has written the unofficial-official book on Vapor with the founders of the framework. He founded Broken Hands and delivers talks and workshops on Vapor and server-side Swift around the world. He also co-organises the ServerSide.swift conference.



3. Februar 2020 All Day(GMT+00:00)


Théâtre de Paris

15 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris

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