So.. Feb. 16th, 2025

Swiss IT Forum 2023

19aprAll DaySwiss IT Forum 2023Zürich, Switzerland

Event Details

Important topics that we will discuss with IT bosses and IT providers at the Swiss IT Forum 2023 on April 19.

Important topics that we will discuss with IT bosses and IT providers at the Swiss IT Forum 2023 on April 19.  As always, best practice and well-founded recommendations for action are in the foreground.
The Swiss IT Forum 2023 is aimed at IT and departmental employees from IT user companies in Switzerland. IT user companies within the meaning of these conditions of participation are all organizations that do not themselves provide consulting services and/or develop, manufacture or sell ICT products or services. Employees of spin-off IT companies who work exclusively for the parent company and do not do any third-party business are also eligible to participate. Employees of IT provider companies only have access to our events as part of a sponsorship. IT provider companies are hardware, software, services and telecommunications companies as well as consulting firms and ITC service providers. IDC expressly reserves the right to refuse registrations from persons who do not belong to the above target group – even if the invitation was issued by one of our partners, by mistake by IDC itself or by participating in an online survey – cannot be confirmed. After your registration via the online registration form and successful verification by IDC, you will receive a binding registration confirmation by e-mail. Important note: Of course, we will ensure that all official requirements and hygiene regulations applicable at that time are observed on site on the day of the conference. Further information can also be found on the Park Hyatt Zurich website and on the World of Hyatt website. was erroneously pronounced by IDC itself or by participating in an online survey – not to be confirmed. After your registration via the online registration form and successful verification by IDC, you will receive a binding registration confirmation by e-mail. Important note: Of course, we will ensure that all official requirements and hygiene regulations applicable at that time are observed on site on the day of the conference. Further information can also be found on the Park Hyatt Zurich website and on the World of Hyatt website. Erroneously pronounced by IDC itself or by participating in an online survey – not to be confirmed. After your registration via the online registration form and successful verification by IDC, you will receive a binding registration confirmation by e-mail. Important note: Of course, we will ensure that all official requirements and hygiene regulations applicable at that time are observed on site on the day of the conference. Further information can also be found on the Park Hyatt Zurich website and on the World of Hyatt website. Of course, we will ensure that all official requirements and hygiene regulations applicable at that time are observed on site on the day of the conference. Further information can also be found on the Park Hyatt Zurich website and on the World of Hyatt website. Of course, we will ensure that all official requirements and hygiene regulations applicable at that time are observed on site on the day of the conference. Further information can also be found on the Park Hyatt Zurich website and on the World of Hyatt website.




19. April 2023 All Day(GMT+01:00)

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