Sa.. Feb. 8th, 2025

IBREA Blockchain & Real Estate Conference

10octAll DayIBREA Blockchain & Real Estate ConferenceNew York

Event Details

The International Blockchain Real Estate Association (IBREA) is proud to present its second annual conference, held this year in New York City. At this full day event, top professionals from both the real estate and blockchain technology industries will gather together in panel discussions and working groups, and select startups in this space will have the opportunity to showcase their companies. The IBREA NYC Conference is an excellent opportunity to meet investors, entrepreneurs, real estate professionals, blockchain specialists, and enthusiasts.
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8:00 – 8:45 Registration


9:00 – 9:30 President’s Opening Remarks

IBREA’s President will open the conference with the state of blockchain real estate around the world. She will provide an overview of IBREA’s current and future efforts to transform the real estate for the 21st Century.

Speaker: Alexandra Levin Kramer


9:30 – 10:00 Chairman’s Address

Ragnar Lifthrasir is passionate about rebooting the real estate industry with Bitcoin and blockchain. He is the founder of IBREA and the tech startup velox.RE. Ragnar will discuss the most pressing topics in blockchain real estate and how the International Blockchain Real Estate Association is solving and leading those topics.

Speaker: Ragnar Lifthrasir


10:00 – 10:30 Break

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10:30 – 11:00 Title

Title is often the first application that comes to mind when discussing blockchain and real estate. 2017 has seen several successful pilots around the world and several startups are building solution. Title insurance companies, government agencies, and large real estate holders are exploring how a blockchain based title system will help or hurt them. This panel will feature speakers with hands on experience in blockchain title.

Speakers: James Salmon, Ragnar Lifthrasir, Chuck Thompson, and Ovidio Diaz. Moderator: Lewis Cohen

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11:00 – 11:50 Startups

The first half of this topic will be a panel discussion on blockchain real estate startup funding, business plans, and technology.

Speakers: Bill Staniford, Josh Panknin, Michael Beckerman, and David Knowles. Moderator: Ragnar Lifthrasir

The second half will be the Startup Showcase, where emerging companies will pitch their startup.

12:00 – 1:30 Lunch

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1:30 – 2:00 Tokenization and Initial Coin Offerings

That new model is here, and it’s based on the idea of an appcoin or token: a scarce digital asset based on underlying technology inspired by Bitcoin. While indisputably frothy, as of this writing the token sector sits at a combined market cap in the tens of billions. These new “fat protocols” may eventually create and capture more value than the last generation of Internet companies. – Balaji Srinivasin, „Thoughts on Tokens“

Speakers: Gerald Reihsen, Patrick Baron, Darvin Kurniawan, Natalia Karayaneva, and Lewis Cohen. Moderator: Ragnar Lifthrasir


2:00 – 2:30 Smart Contracts

Perhaps the most hyped and misunderstood topic in blockchain is smart contracts. We will discuss what smart contracts can and cannot do, what they are and are not. Real world examples of real estate – blockchain smart contracts will be given. Legal, technology, and security questions will be addressed.

Speaker: Or Perelman

2:30 – 3:00 Break


3:00 – 3:50 Using Cryptocurrency to Buy or Sell Real Estate

Many say the best use of blockchain is peer to peer currency. If blockchain’s goal with real estate is to make transactions peer to peer, then blockchain money is a critical component to realize that goal. For years people have used bitcoin to buy and sell property. Large „hodlers“ want to diversify their crypto holdings into real assets. Property sellers want to reach international clients and avoid the friction and fees of banks. In the long term, cryptocurrency will be integrated into seamless blockchain title transfers, and real estate smart contracts, forming end to end blockchain real estate transactions.

Speakers: Piper Moretti, Anya Levitov, and William Skelley Moderator: Alexandra Levin Kramer



:00 – 4:50 Blockchain Real Estate Around The World

Several of our international Chapter Chairs will discuss what is happening in their part of the world. They will discuss differences in laws, startup environment, and interest levels of their local real estate community. Countries represented include the Netherlands, the U.K., Mexico, Singapore, and Italy.

Speakers: James Dearsley, Denis Nemtsev, Carolina Agurto Salazar, Hendrik Tanjaya Tan, and Alessandro Del Ortto. Moderator: Alexandra Levin Kramer



10. Oktober 2017 All Day(GMT+00:00)

Hogan Lovells

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