dot Scale
thank you @dotScale & @sylvinus for that great conference yesterday. broad topics & great speakers. really inspiring
— Maxime Lemaitre (@__Cybermaxs__) 9. Juni 2015
Thnx @dotScale for the great talks ! I really enjoyed n my laptop too. #moreStickers #moreGifts
— stFOnline (@steFun_) 9. Juni 2015
Awesome day at @dotScale yesterday. So well organised. So many great talks. Looking forward to the @dotsecurityio/@dotScale combo next year!
— frenemy of the state (@ChrisSinjo) 9. Juni 2015
Belle salle remplie pour #dotscale
— Benoit Lafontaine (@joel1di1) 8. Juni 2015
Voilà. Fin d'une nouvelle saison de @dotScale riche en talks intéressants.
— oxalide (@oxalide) 8. Juni 2015
Et sinon j’étais hier à @dotScale sans téléphone et sans ordi, et je ne m’y suis pas ennuyé. Gros +1.
— Bastien Jaillot (@bastnic) 9. Juni 2015
","location":[{"@type":"Place","name":"Théâtre de Paris","address":{"@type": "PostalAddress","streetAddress":"15 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris"}}],"organizer":[{"@type":"Organization","name":"dotConferences"}]}Un super moment passé à @dotScale hier, plein de rencontres et de conférences au top ! Un grand merci à l'équipe !
— Ikoula (@Ikoula) 9. Juni 2015
25aprAll Daydot ScaleThe European Tech Conference on Scalability
Event Details
dotScale is a unique tech conference on Scalability, DevOps and Distributed Systems. >> Event Website Genius hackers on stage Our mission is to bring the best hackers in the world in Paris
Event Details
dotScale is a unique tech conference on Scalability, DevOps and Distributed Systems.
Genius hackers on stage
Our mission is to bring the best hackers in the world in Paris to let them share their unique insights with you all.
Creators of the most popular open source projects, CTOs of fast-growing startups, architects of large-scale platforms: you can trust us to invite the best of them.
Made by developers, for developers
There will be no marketing speeches, no buzzword cover-ups. Speaking slots are not for sale.
Instead, you can expect deeply technical talks (even more than previous dotConferences) and surprising new ideas!
Just between us
We do record every talk with a 4-camera crew and publish the videos for free on The dot Post.
That said, the off-camera Q&A session after each talk might also surprise you…
Learn something new
Leave your laptop at home, open your ears and enjoy our dense 20-minutes technical talks!
Short talks are the best way to stay focused during both deep technival dives and general introductions to new exciting projects.
A community brought together
dotScale will gather 800+ developers, devOps, sysadmins and hackers from all over Europe in a single place, for a single day.
A great chance to meet new people and go talk with the speakers!
Last but not least, we strive to keep our tickets very affordable so that everyone can join. Register now!
Our mission is to invite the best hackers worldwide to share their insights on stage!
Sad that @dotScale is over. High quality and a really classy organization. @dotConferences stand out amongst tech. conferences.
— John Graham-Cumming (@jgrahamc) 9. Juni 2015
thank you @dotScale & @sylvinus for that great conference yesterday. broad topics & great speakers. really inspiring
— Maxime Lemaitre (@__Cybermaxs__) 9. Juni 2015
Thnx @dotScale for the great talks ! I really enjoyed n my laptop too. #moreStickers #moreGifts
— stFOnline (@steFun_) 9. Juni 2015
Awesome day at @dotScale yesterday. So well organised. So many great talks. Looking forward to the @dotsecurityio/@dotScale combo next year!
— frenemy of the state (@ChrisSinjo) 9. Juni 2015
Belle salle remplie pour #dotscale
— Benoit Lafontaine (@joel1di1) 8. Juni 2015
Voilà. Fin d'une nouvelle saison de @dotScale riche en talks intéressants.
— oxalide (@oxalide) 8. Juni 2015
Et sinon j’étais hier à @dotScale sans téléphone et sans ordi, et je ne m’y suis pas ennuyé. Gros +1.
— Bastien Jaillot (@bastnic) 9. Juni 2015
Un super moment passé à @dotScale hier, plein de rencontres et de conférences au top ! Un grand merci à l'équipe !
— Ikoula (@Ikoula) 9. Juni 2015
25. April 2016 All Day CEST(GMT+00:00)
Théâtre de Paris
15 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris