Do.. Feb. 13th, 2025

Crypto Capital World

25aprAll Day26Crypto Capital WorldVilnius

Event Details

What is The Summit?

2017 saw an unprecedented explosion of cryptocurrencies and global interest in the underlying blockchain technology. Market capitalisation of the top two currencies Bitcoin and Ethereum bypassed 200 billion USD.

Given the nature and source of the crypto capital (almost entirely owned by advanced, technically savvy, IT professionals), the vast majority of the investments are going to IT startups and those ahead of the curve regarding the technology and its potential applications. In 2017 ICO investments bypassed VC investments, making it a major global financial driver of innovation.

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Be in touch!

The event will incubate a meeting of traditional investors, regulators, marketeers, cryptocurrency investors and blockchain startups to understand each others areas of work in more detail and discover how synergies between them can be identified and achieved.

we meet IN lithuania!

The Baltic nation of Lithuania is quickly becoming a fintech hub and 2018 has seen The Bank of Lithuania becoming one of the most forward thinking in the European Union when it comes to new technology and it is considering new ICO regulations that make the funding mechanism more accommodating. Last year, Lithuanians were among the most active in the world to develop blockchain projects, taking 30 plus projects to market and raising more than 450 million USD in 2017, with the ambition of 1.4 billion USD for 2018.

who should attend?

  • Venture Capitalists
  • Traditional Investors
  • Financial Market Regulators
  • Cryptocurrency Investors
  • Blockchain Startups
  • Marketing Agencies

The summit aims to bring together people from traditional and cryptocurrency investment backgrounds, market regulators and marketing experts to bridge the knowledge gap through education and networking.



25. April 2018 - 26. April 2018 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)

Vilnius Grand Resort

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