Di.. Feb. 18th, 2025

#9 Networking, the unique relevant skill for the 21st cent.

10apr18:0020:30#9 Networking, the unique relevant skill for the 21st cent.Genf

Event Details

#9 Networking, the unique relevant skill for 21st century nobody’s taugt you !

>> Event auf Meetup

For this Meetup we are moving for the first time to University of Geneva / Unimail !

Why is networking relevant for your future whether you are entrepreneur or not ? How to empower your physical networking ? Networking, the unique relevant skill for 21st century nobody’s taught you !

Discover the Why, the What, the How ! And Create your future with trusted people and tools. Presented by Johan Franzen CEO Entnest « the Home of Entrepreneurs »

You are an entrepreneur, student, professor or just would to increase your knowledge and understand how to network in 21st Century ? Join this meetup !

This event is co-organised with « Association des étudiants de l’UNIGE pour l’étude la philosophie libérale »

• 18h15 : Welcome Message SFTA & AEEPL
• 18h25 : Networking, the unique relevant skill for 21st century nobody’s taught you! With Johan Franzen CEO Entnest
• 18h55 : Q&A Session
• 19h30 : Networking (location to be mentioned later but closely)

• Facebook group AEEPL : https://m.facebook.com/AEEPL.UNIGE/?locale2=fr_FR



10. April 2019 18:00 - 20:30 CEST(GMT+00:00)


Universität Genf / UNIMAIL / Room M1140

Boulevard du pont d'arve 40 Genève GE 1205, CH

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