Sa. Mai 4th, 2024

Liquid, the first production-ready Bitcoin Sidechain - Jonas Nick

17decAll DayLiquid, the first production-ready Bitcoin Sidechain - Jonas NickVolkshaus Zürich

Blockstream Liquid

Event Details

Liquid is an inter-exchange settlement network linking together cryptocurrency exchanges and institutions around the world, enabling faster Bitcoin transactions and the issuance of digital assets.

>> Event auf Meetup

Bitcoin enters the Liquid Network through a peg-in process, where bitcoin are locked on the main chain and an equal amount of Liquid bitcoin (L-BTC) is issued on the Liquid Network. Liquid bitcoin (L-BTC) is verifiably 1-to-1 backed by Bitcoin, and can be redeemed on the Bitcoin main chain at any time.

Any institution that has custody of assets, such as fiat or cryptocurrencies, may use Liquid to issue a tokenized version of the asset. Once in Liquid, this asset can be traded freely within the network, taking advantage of Liquid’s privacy, speed, and secure trading features.

The Speaker:
Jonas Nick, Blockstream

Door opening: 18:30
Talk start: 19:00

Sponsor: inacta AG
