Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact Demo Day 2023
16may15:0019:00Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact Demo Day 2023Zürich Switzerland
Event Details
Thanks to its unique expertise and technological competences, Switzerland has an opportunity to foster innovative entrepreneurial solutions with a sustainable impact in a comprehensive sense, i. e., in economic, environment,
Event Details
Thanks to its unique expertise and technological competences, Switzerland has an opportunity to foster innovative entrepreneurial solutions with a sustainable impact in a comprehensive sense, i. e., in economic, environment, and societal terms.
The objective of the Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact initiative is to facilitate the realization of innovation projects that tackle society’s most pressing challenges of our time, focusing on selected themes of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In this second call for proposals, the initiative awarded six teams tackling diverse SDGs with a one-year project grant of CHF 85’000 each. Their novel approaches will now be further developed in one of the six Switzerland Innovation Parks. (Find out more: https://sitech4impact.ch/)
At the Demo Day, the six awarded teams will take the stage to give you a first-hand and exclusive presentation on their projects and the progress achieved.
You are kindly invited to join us for this event.
Program overview:
15:00 Door opening, Startup exhibition
16:00 Grantee presentations, panel discussion, keynote
17:30 Networking apéro
Language: English / German
The initiative is led by Switzerland Innovation in collaboration with E4S Tech4Impact. The following companies support the initiative as innovation partners: ABB, Credit Suisse, Die Mobiliar, Economiesuisse, Interpharma, Schindler, Swiss Re Foundation, Swisscom, UBS, Zurich.
Switzerland Innovation is a network of innovation parks across Switzerland based on a joint initiative of public institutions, academia, and the private sector with a statutory mandate from the Swiss government. Switzerland Innovation forms an ecosystem that allows universities and innovative companies to collaborate and use their knowledge and research results for the development of new marketable products and services. www.switzerland-innovation.com
Find out more: https://sitech4impact.ch/
16. Mai 2023 15:00 - 19:00(GMT+01:00)