Event Details
Starting in January 2016. we will launch our monthly nexussquared ‘Drink-Up’ series inviting Swiss and international fintech aficionados to meet in a casual environment with the goal to allow the
Event Details
Starting in January 2016. we will launch our monthly nexussquared ‘Drink-Up’ series inviting Swiss and international fintech aficionados to meet in a casual environment with the goal to allow the ‘fin’ to meet the ‘tech’ across all disciplines of the Swiss financial services industry.
nexussquared ‘Drink Up’ (Richard Olson)
Our first nexussquared ‘Drink-Up’ will take place on Monday January 18th, 2016 – from 06:00 pm. at LIMA Bar, Talacker 34, 8001 Zurich.
We are very happy to announce that Richard Olsen will start the nexussquared ‘Drink Up’ on January 18th, 2016 with a key note on his latest project ‘Lykke’. Richard Olsen is a blockchain and crypto currency expert and wrote and co-authored many scientific papers, published a book, numerous articles, and opinion pieces on a variety of topics. Richard’s unorthodox but compelling ideas have made him a very welcome speaker at conferences around the world. His goal is „to create tools of finance that are as slick and elegant as the most sophisticated tools of technology.“ Richard holds a Licentiate in Law from the University of Zurich, a Masters in Economics from Oxford University and a PhD from the University of Zurich and worked as a researcher and foreign exchange dealer before founding Olsen & Associates, his first company in 1985.
The event is free of charge. Drinks can be purchased at the bar.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in the new year!
RSVP by January 10, 2016
18. Januar 2016 18:00 - 0:00 MEZ(GMT+00:00)
Talacker 34, Zürich