Monthly Networking | with LAKEDIAMOND and SWISSQUOTE
06dec18:0020:30Monthly Networking | with LAKEDIAMOND and SWISSQUOTE
Event Details
Our Monthly Networking series provide networking opportunities, startup pitches, or discussion rounds. A unique way to immerse yourself into the Blockchain Ecosystem. Entrance is free. Door opens at 18:15, the presentation
Event Details
Our Monthly Networking series provide networking opportunities, startup pitches, or discussion rounds. A unique way to immerse yourself into the Blockchain Ecosystem. Entrance is free.
Door opens at 18:15, the presentation begins 18:45, and is followed by a Q&A.
/ Speakers: LAKEDIAMOND and SWISSQUOTE. Both were in the news this month because they announced „the first ICO ever powered by an established banking group“. The ICO should help LakeDiamond „to leapfrog from start-up to industrial scale production capacity.“
They will talk about lab-grown diamond „as the ultimate material for increasingly complex high-value applications in micro-mechanics and robotics, photonics, electronics, and biotech“. And they will answer questions how they managed to convince each other to partner in this ICO.
„LakeDiamond is a Swiss company incorporated in 2015. Building on years of research at EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne), developing reactors capable of growing ultra-pure diamonds, and exploring potential high-tech industrial applications, the company brings together globally renowned and respected professionals with a proven track record in physics, industry, computer science, marketing and finance. LakeDiamond’s Chemical Micro-Wave Chemical Vapor Deposition (MWCVD) reactors grow the highest quality of diamond on earth, suitable for the most demanding applications, thanks to a perfectly controlled and precise technology. The qualities attained are such that they trigger new exciting applications beyond the high-end jewellery market, such as micro- mechanical parts, laser power beaming, high power transistors and high-precision magnetometers.“
Swissquote is a leading provider of online financial services.
/ Agenda:
18:15 Doors open, Apéro, Networking starts
18:45 Presentations begin
20:00 Networking & Drinks
/ Dress Code: Business Casual
/ Presentation downloads (post-Meetup): Paywall – member login required.
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6. Dezember 2018 18:00 - 20:30 CEST(GMT+00:00)