Industrial Technologies
22junAll Day24Industrial TechnologiesRAI Amsterdam
Event Details
Indusrial Technologies | One-to-one matchmaking On Thursday 23 June the matchmaking event of Industrial Technologies will take place. This part of the programme offers you a chance to meet new partners
Event Details
Indusrial Technologies | One-to-one matchmaking
On Thursday 23 June the matchmaking event of Industrial Technologies will take place. This part of the programme offers you a chance to meet new partners and exchange ideas for collaborative research, technology transfer and commercial opportunities. The Enterprise Europe Network organises the matchmaking.
This matchmaking is an ideal opportunity to target companies, universities and research institutes, investment and commercialisation partners for short one-to-one meetings to establish new contacts and to explore business development and collaboration options. Each pre-arranged meeting will last 20 minutes.
The matchmaking event enables participants to find partners for commercial and technological cooperation:
- Build new partnerships for future funding calls
- Explore options for technology transfer, licensing or acquisition
- Build new partnerships for research and development projects
- Find buyers or development partners
- Find new partners for subcontracting and outsourcing
- Find new financing opportunities
- Find new partners for developing new demonstration and pilot activities
Main topics
The Industrial Technologies 2016 conference concentrates on exploiting new industrial technologies in creating a Smart Europe. The main topics of the conference include:
- Additive manufacturing
- Advanced manufacturing and processing
Advanced materials - Nanotechnology and nano-enabled production
- Digitalisation of the industry and connected factories
- Robotics
- Sustainable and efficient production through renewable feedstock & industrial biotechnology
- Network centric production
- Flexible and reconfigurable production
- Servitisation of production
- Resource efficient production processes
- Electrification of process industry
22. Juni 2016 - 24. Juni 2016 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)