Sa.. Feb. 15th, 2025

GDG Basel Hackathon 2015

05dec8:0022:00GDG Basel Hackathon 2015hacking for sustainability

Event Details

The hackathon will challenge teams to develop an automatic watering system managed through a cloud based application. Sustainability is a center apsect of this event, GDG Basel is concerned with sustainability and is thereofre really glad to challenge you and your team on such topic. Register now and code with us to support sustainability!

>> Webseite

Hackathon | hacking for sustainability

The hackathon will challenge teams to develop an automatic watering system managed through a cloud based application. Sustainability is a center apsect of this event, GDG Basel is concerned with sustainability and is thereofre really glad to challenge you and your team on such topic. Register now and code with us to support sustainability!

IoT – Onion Omega

The hackathon challenge will rely on IoT technologies. Onion Omega is an invention Platform for the Internet of Things designed by the Onion startup. We are very excited to announce Onion as sponsor for this event, the Clatys challenge will therefore rely on the Onion technology. All equipments & devices will be freely provided during the event.

Real time – Firebase

Real time is a very important aspect of IoT projects. Fireabase store & sync data with its NoSQL cloud database. Data is stored as JSON, synced to all connected clients in realtime, and available when your app goes offline. Perfect for our hackathon challenge! We are also really happy to announce Firebase as official sponsor.

Responsive – AngularJS 2.0

AngularJS 2.0 is maintained by Google and by communities to ease single-page applications developments. The clatys web application will rely on the new version of Angular to build most advanced and reponsive web application. Let’s innovate!



5. Dezember 2015 8:00 - 22:00 MESZ(GMT+00:00)



Dornacherstrasse 192, Basel, Switzerland

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