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Finpitch - Investor Pitching

23junAll DayFinpitch - Investor PitchingInvestor Pitching

Event Details

Finpitch – Investor PitchingLondon, UK – June 23rd 2016

Finpitch is an exclusive pitching event for Fintech start-ups. We’re working with several London accelerators to ensure that most companies that take the stage have been vetted by experts. The audience will consist mainly of investors and enterprise financial services institutions.

>> Website

Why Attend?

If you’re an existing Fintech investor, angel or wealth manager you won’t want to miss this opportunity to meet companies that are already beyond the starting line.

If you’re a Fintech start-up cofounder, you’ll be in the right place at the right time with the right people.


This is an invite only event. We’re working with most of London’s Fintech accelerators to bring you the best of the best. Get in touch to get involved.


Star-ups will have a total of 8 minutes to present and 4 minutes of Q&A. Investors and experts will have a chance to meet companies before and after the event. We will provide a prize to start-ups that start negotiating a deal on the day.



23. Juni 2016 All Day BST(GMT+00:00)