Mo.. Feb. 10th, 2025

F10 FinTech Meetup: From Open Banking to Open X

24sep18:0021:00F10 FinTech Meetup: From Open Banking to Open XZürich

Event Details

Although it’s been a buzz word for years, open banking has not yet truly taken off, particularly not in Switzerland. Why do incumbent banks, insurers, and other big players struggle so much to transform? How can obstacles be overcome, to create an open banking reality beyond PSD2? And what’s the future role of FinTechs and other startups, if we’re headed towards a world of Open Experience (X) for customers?

F10 proudly presents another FinTech Meetup that promises a critical discussion of the movers and shakers behind open banking in Europe. As a keynote speaker, Elias Ghanem, VP FinTech at Capgemini, will talk about the challenges & opportunities of Open X and share insights from this year’s World FinTech Report.

On the panel, Elias will be joined by Roger Wisler, who heads Switzerland at NDGIT, the #1 API platform provider in Europe, Simon Youssef, CTO of Switzerland’s top challenger bank NEON, as well as Dejan Juric, who previously ran the SIX Corporate API project and has now co-founded an open banking startup (part of the current F10 Accelerator program). The panel will be moderated by F10 Startup Coach Deborrah Schaer.


  • 6.00 – 6.30 pm: Doors Open
  • 6.30 – 6:45 pm: Welcome & Introduction
  • 6.45 – 7.15 pm: Keynote
  • 7.15 – 7.45 pm: Panel & Discussion
  • 7.45 – 9.00 pm: Drinks & Networking

Speaker & Panelists:

Elias Ghanem

Elias is a senior executive with deep experience in retail payments, e-payments, FinTech, startup creation, fundraising and strategic partnerships. He leads FinTech growth in Capgemini to build engaging bridges between Capgemini clients and FinTech ecosystems.

Roger Wisler

Roger is a senior consultant with deep experience in multichannel banking solutions. He manages NDGIT in Switzerland and support banks to define their Open Banking strategy. Besides that, he is a lecturer in Digital Banking at Kalaidos FH in Zurich.

Simon Youssef

Simon is Co-Founder and CTO of neon with profound experience in digital strategy, lean IT and startup creation. He is a strong believer that Open Banking will unlock new value pools for small & agile teams that were previously thought to be too shallow.

Dejan Juric

Dejan was responsible Head Value Added Services at TWINT and then Head Innovation at SIX Payment Services before starting the Corporate API project at SIX. After that, he has founded Hippo Finance, an open banking startup currently in stealth mode. He is an expert in both the business and the tech end of open banking.

Deborrah Schaer (Moderator)

Deborrah is a Startup coach at F10, helping international FinTechs become successful players for the European financial service industry. She also leads F10’s soon to be launched FinTech Sandbox project.



24. September 2019 18:00 - 21:00 CEST(GMT+00:00)



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