Ethereum and its impact on financial markets: the case of Diamond Coin
27apr18:0019:00Ethereum and its impact on financial markets: the case of Diamond CoinDiamond Coin
Event Details
Our Meetup this week will try to shed some light on thebusiness application side of Ethereum, especially on its potential in Financial Markets. >> Original Eventeinladung auf Nexxus Squared has
Event Details
Our Meetup this week will try to shed some light on thebusiness application side of Ethereum, especially on its potential in Financial Markets.
>> Original Eventeinladung auf
Nexxus Squared has invited me to talk about: „Ethereum and its impact on financial markets: the case of Diamond Coin“ at their DrinkUp event.
I will structure my speech as follows:
• First, I will give a top-down, business-level overview of Ethereum and its features. This will help those of you who are not yet fully acquainted with the technology to better understand its potential
• In a second step, I will shortly outline a couple of business cases in Financial Markets where Ethereum can provide solutions
• To conclude, I will talk about Diamond Coin, the first Digital Currency fully backed by Investment Diamonds. Diamond Coin brings together the advantages of digital currencies with the security of a great physical collateral, and is an exemplary case how Ethereum can enable disruptive new solutions.
I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the event. 🙂
Door opening is at 6:00 pm, the key note speech starts at 6:30pm in the adjacent room in the back of the bar.
You can find out more about Nexxus Squared here:
Details of the DrinkUp event are here:
27. April 2016 18:00 - 19:00 CEST(GMT+00:00)
Talacker 34, Zürich