Decentralized Identity: Ideology & Architecture
05nov19:0021:00Decentralized Identity: Ideology & ArchitectureChristopher Allen
Event Details
Details Door opening: 18:30 Talk start: 19:00 Topic: Self-Sovereign Identity is both an ideology to reclaim human dignity and authority in the digital world and an emerging suite of technologies designed to enable
Event Details
Door opening: 18:30
Talk start: 19:00
Self-Sovereign Identity is both an ideology to reclaim human dignity and authority in the digital world and an emerging suite of technologies designed to enable that movement.
Christopher Allen will discuss both the principles behind decentralized self-sovereign identity, and progress on architectures to support those principles as an international standard.
About the speaker:
Christopher Allen is co-chair of the W3C Credentials CG, founder of #RebootingWebOfTrust, and Executive Director of Blockchain Commons.
Before that he was Principal Architect at bitcoin blockchain startup Blockstream, VP of Developer Relations for the secure Android phone Blackphone, CTO of the cryptographic security company Certicom, and in the 90s he was co-author of the TLS 1.0 standard.
5. November 2018 19:00 - 21:00 CEST(GMT+00:00)