Crypto Invest Summit
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“A can’t-miss conference in 2019 that will improve your business life.“ Magazine >> Event-Webseite 0 Reasons to Attend CIS MARCH 7, 2019 • 0 COMMENT
Event Details
“A can’t-miss conference in 2019 that will improve your business life.“
0 Reasons to Attend CIS

At CIS, we’re on a mission to make a lasting impact, empower the blockchain community, and promulgate mainstream adoption. Yet, that’s just the top of the token for why over 6,000 people attended CIS last October.
The following list includes 10 additional reasons that have and will continue to make CIS the leading event in the blockchain industry.
Reason # 1: A Proven Track Record
Last October, we stood alongside Keynote Speaker and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak along with 6,000 other attendees to put on one of the most well-received events to ever be put on for the California-cryptocurrency community. It was so well-received that INC recently ranked CIS on its list of 20 Conferences you can’t miss in 2019.
Reason #2: A Goal of Creating a Truly Diversified Tech Culture
We take pride in the fact that we have a female participation rate of over 40%, yet we aim for this number to grow, not merely as a tokenism, but as a sign of our dedication to creating a technological world that is truly equal. However, it’s not a matter of attendance but of conversation too, which is why we used 1 of our 5 tracks to exclusively feature “Women in Crypto” this past October. For the upcoming event, we have leading female speakers from some of the biggest organizations in tech, including Shruthi Rao from Amazon Blockchain.
Reason 3: Part of LA Blockchain Week
We believe in a community approach to cryptocurrency education and business that goes beyond just the team involved with CIS, which is why we’ve decided to feature CIS during LA Blockchain Week.
We understand the sheer magnitude of resources and industry-leading experts that are located in the greater Los Angeles area, so we looked for an opportunity to leverage the crowd and bring even more people together. Instead of competing to see who has the best conference, we seek collaboration with the entire Los Angeles Blockchain community in order for the entire industry and community to grow.
Reason 4: Biggest Media Partners
Going off the theme of community, we have representation from the most prominent media sources in the entire world. If you’re looking for an event to be covered by the likes of Bloomberg, CNN, Fox Business, Cointelegraph, Huff Post, and more, then you need to come to the Los Angeles Convention Center this April 9 and 10.
Reason 5: Biggest US Conference
We believe in building the cryptocurrency community through access to great speakers, information, and networking opportunities. While growing this community here in Los Angeles, we created the largest gathering of crypto investors and industry professionals in the entire country.
Reason 6: Ethereum and Litecoin Builder’s Tracks
Have you ever wanted to learn more about Solidity or network with the people that work on these projects every day? If you answered yes, the Ethereum and Litecoin Builder’s track might be for you. Over the course of the 2 days, we will have presentations and other events catered to one of the most important sub-groups within the cryptocurrency community… The Devs.
Reason 7: Affordable Tickets
We don’t believe in money as being an obstacle to learn. That’s why we’ve made our tickets some of the most affordable tickets for any Blockchain or Crypto event. We also offer $100.00 off per ticket for teams of 3+ people. Unlike some conferences, we also allow an option to pay with Bitcoin because we believe in this revolution.
Reason 8: Crypto Trading Track
Do you know how to analyze a candlestick? If your answer included wax, wicks, or a flame, you might want to educate yourself more by coming to our Crypto Trading Track. With a similar approach as the Builder’s Track, the Crypto Trading Track brings individuals together to learn about the best practices for trading cryptocurrency.
Reason 9: Main Stage with 120 Top Blockchain Speakers
CIS will feature some of the top speakers from across the industry, including the founder of Litecoin, Charlie Lee, in addition to speakers from some of the leading blockchain institutions like UCLA, tZero, and ConsenSys. Every keynote, fireside chat, and panel discussion will be filled with those industry leaders.
Reason 10: The Location
Los Angeles is world-renowned for food, entertainment, and nightlife. You can make a week out of the conference and catch a Los Angeles Angels game, tour the famous Hollywood film production studios, or finally take those surfing lessons you’ve always wanted to.
Join us this April 9 and 10 for one of the most action-packed and educational events on the entire planet. CIS features the best speakers in one of the most exciting cities in the world. If you haven’t already done so, get your tickets today!
9. April 2019 - 10. April 2019 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Los Angeles Convention Center
1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90015, Vereinigte Staaten