A global crypto gathering in the heart of Manchester
CoinFest started in 2013 at a Waves Coffee House in Vancouver. By 2014, CoinFest was growing in popularity and spread across Canada
Event Details
A global crypto gathering in the heart of Manchester
CoinFest started in 2013 at a Waves Coffee House in Vancouver. By 2014, CoinFest was growing in popularity and spread across Canada and internationally.
In 2016 CryptoBatesGroup brought CoinFest to the UK for the first time, showcasing exhibitors and speakers from all over the world. Every year we have continued to feature the established and latest from the cryptosphere, bringing bright minds together with a free-entry event aimed at all levels of knowledge. 2019 will bring our fourth UK event! Exciting times….
Over the past few years CoinFestUK events have hosted a range of free workshops with topics including: Bitcoin Education Sessions, Mining Education Sessions, Minting ERC20 tokens, Intro to Blockchain Smart Contracts and Distributed Databases,Learn to trade crypto and delving into BTC transactions
All our workshops are free of charge, no fee! When you register for a ticket you can express interest in being kept updated with the workshop schedule
Crypto Exhibitions
CoinFestUK hosts a range of exhibitors from around the world. Previous CoinFestUK events have hosted more than 40 exhibitors travelling from around the world to set up a pitch at our event.
Projects have ranged from Crypto trading, Crypto collectables, Alt-coin communities, University teams, local community projects, Crypto art work, Polymer notes, Bitcoin ATMs and Crypto gaming projects.
Crypto Activities
Aswell as workshops, speaker presentations and exhibitions our event hosts a range of crypto activities aimed to help attendees feel comfortable and engaged.
Our events have hosted a range of activities including Cash Grabber – A wind cylinder where contestants have to grab the most custom cash notes to win Crypto Photo Booth – A crypto theme photo booth Guess the combination – A combination safe filled with crypto goodies and collectables where the contestants must guess the combination to win the prizes and Crypto Raffle – Each ticket is linked to a unique raffle number with a winner being selected each day from the tickets scanned on entering the event. CryptoGrabber – CryptoBatesGroups very own creation will be present at our 2019 event. Our CryptoGrabber is a refurbished arcade claw machine accepting a range of cryptocurrencies including MUE, DGB, LTC and (of course) BTC .
Crypto Music
Our events have hosted some of the most awesome crypto musicians and rappers in the crypto space. Collaborations have been made and magic has been heard, our two main artists are:
Crypto Art Work
Our first Crypto Art Gallery took place on April 9th 2017, we brought together crypto artists from around the world and displayed some of the most famous crypto artwork out on the market place at the time.
The idea of Crypto Art Gallery was simple, it was formed to bring together the amazing bitcoin/crypto based artwork from around the world for everyone to view.
For 2019 Crypto Art Gallery will take place as part of CoinFestUK, this will bring more exposure to the art artists and enlighten the attendees to the amazing crypto artwork which has been created.
Our awesome headline sponsors!
Sponsors are what make our event possible they provide financial support aswell as supporting us in many ways including donating to our giveaways, hosting workshops, event promotion, providing feedback and helping us setup the event.
MonetaryUnit (MUE) is digital money which you can use to buy goods and services for less. It is Money, Evolved.
The ETHBITS (ETBS) platform provides users with a secure and trustworthy exchange that helps them easily convert fiat into any of the cryptocurrencies available on the market.