BüRP - The Bünz.li Reboot Party 2015
12dec17:00BüRP - The Bünz.li Reboot Party 2015demodays
Event Details
The buenzli reboot party will be a tasteful and vibrant gathering welcoming demoscene aficionados and newcomers for an evening to appreciate real-time electronic art on the big screen. It will
Event Details
The buenzli reboot party will be a tasteful and vibrant gathering welcoming demoscene aficionados and newcomers for an evening to appreciate real-time electronic art on the big screen. It will feature classic, retro and cutting-edge productions selected together with Echzeit, local demosceners, as well as the wider scene network – and the organizers are open to submissions and requests.
Preis CHF 20
BüRP – The Bünzli Reboot Party 2015
Are you still missing out on your yearly demoscene dose due to the no-Demodays 2015 summer? A fun-loving bunch of sceners have set up the Bünzli Reboot Party (BüRP) to help you with that! We invite you to enjoy an evening of demo watching and demoscene activities with us at the Lichtspiel in Bern! Check the event website and grab a ticket while they are available. The event is backed and supported by Echtzeit – Digitale Kultur and the Demodays crew (scener quality assured :-))
Saturday, 12. December 2015, starting at 17.00h
Location: Kinosaal Lichtspiel, Sandrainstrasse 3, CH-3007 Berne, Switzerland
Get more information: http://showmethedemo.buenz.li/
Buy tickets (including discounted early bird): https://event.gg/1875-buerp
Get in touch: buerpteam@soda.camp
The buenzli reboot party will be a tasteful and vibrant gathering welcoming demoscene aficionados and newcomers for an evening to appreciate real-time electronic art on the big screen. It will feature classic, retro and cutting-edge productions selected together with Echzeit, local demosceners, as well as the wider scene network – and the organizers are open to submissions and requests.
The target audience extends beyond demosceners to people interested in electronic music, retro platforms, art neuf, LEDs, DIY, hacking, alternative nightlife, and anyone in between. While not a full-scale demo party, with contests and concerts and all-night programming sessions (for that we have to wait until Demodays 2016) this will be an opportunity to learn about the state of the art, meet the makers, get inspired, and enjoy an evening of audiovisual stimulation.
12. Dezember 2015 17:00(GMT+00:00)
Kinosaal Lichtspiel
Sandrainstrasse 3, Bern