Fintech Wordwide, proudly brings you our 8th Blockchain Conference.
Blockchain Conference
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Event Details
Fintech Wordwide, proudly brings you our 8th Blockchain Conference. Over the past year, we’ve been to London, New York, Hong Kong, San Francisco, and
Event Details
Over the past year, we’ve been to London, New York, Hong Kong, San Francisco, and several other major cities exploring Blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Our focus has been on Blockchain beyond crypto currency. If you’re interested in learning why large banks, tech giants, governments, start-ups and investors are getting involved at alarming rates, this is your conference.
We are in the age of realignment and that’s where we find Blockchain technology. A distributed ledger, born from clever mathematics and a desire to transact anonymously while maintaining trust on both sides of the exchange. Any process involving middle-men or trusted 3rd parties is ripe for disruption. A new billion dollar industry is its infancy. The world is starting to wake up to the vast number applications for such technology. The internet changed the world in 20 years. Blockchain will do it in 5-10.


Fintech Security Summit London, May 10th 2016
Blockchain Conference Dublin, June 7th 2016
Blockchain Conference Amsterdam, June 9th 2016
London Fintech Week 2016, July 15th – 22nd 2016
Blockchain Conference, Washington D.C., August 2nd 2016
Blockchain Conference New York, August 17th 2016
Blockchain Conference Hong Kong, DATE TBC
Blockchain Conference Singapore, DATE TBC
Blockchain Conference Shanghai, DATE TBC
Insurance Disruptors London, DATE TBC
Fintech Regulation & Compliance London, DATE TBC
Blockchain Conference London, January 2017
New York Fintech Week, March 2017
Silicon Valley Fintech Week, December 2016
Fintectonic London, December 2016
Hong Kong Fintech Week, November 2017

9:00 AM Introduction
Luis Carranza, Blockchain Entrepreneur & Founder of Blockchain Conference
9:10 AM- 9:25 AM Government keynote
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM Bitcoin vs. Blockchain Panel: Blockchain was created as the backbone of crypto-currency, but other industries are adopting the fundamentals of distributed ledger technology.
Moderator: Jerry Brito, Coin Center
Alan Cohn, Steptoe & Johnson
Joe Colangelo, Consumers’ Research
Tone Vays, Liberty Life Trail
Ryan Shea, Blockstack
10:05 AM – 10:35 AM Assets & Tokenization of Value on the Blockchain Panel: Assets, bonds, property titles are all fair game for tokenization on distributed ledgers. We’ll explore what’s happening in the space and what you can expect in the near future
Moderator: Kyle Burgess, Consumers’ Research
Matt McKibbin, Ubitquity
Jason Dispenza- Energy Efficiency Futures Foundation (E2F2)
Jamie Smith, Bitfury
Ivan Zone, SuchFlex
10:40AM – 11:00 AM BREAK
11:00 AM – 11:30 PM Smart Contracts & Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO): Q&A Session: Makings sense of the intersection between Blockchain, Smart Contracts, IoT and machine learning. We’ll take a (not overly technical) look at the implications of some of the brightest minds in this emerging industry are doing and dreaming up.
Moderator: Luis Carranza, Founder Blockchain Conference
Prof. Michael Abramowicz, George Washington University Law School
Drew Hinkes, Berger Singerman
Jenny Cieplak, Crowell & Moring
Jacob Dienelt, BKCM
11:35PM – 12:10PM Blockchain Use Cases in Commerce: Hear brief intros intros from companies that are going beyond theory and into practice with Blockchain technology
Moderator:Susan Poole, BlockBridge Advisory
Conan French, International Institute of Finance
Douglas Pearce, World Bank
Tori Adams, Booz Allen Hamilton
1:15 PM – 1:50 PM The Promise of “The Internet of Money” Panel: One of the grand promises of Blockchain technology is the concept of “the internet of money or value.” Our experts weigh in on where we are and explore whether this real, a distraction, and how innovation can flourish while addressing regulatory concerns.
Moderator: Carol Van Cleef, Manatt & Phelps
Brian Knight, Mercatus Center
Rose Troia, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commisison (CFTC)
Peter Van Valkenburgh, Coin Center
Helen Wong, U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
1:55 PM – 2:15 PM Settlement in T0:
Judd Bagley, Director of Communications, T0
2:15 PM -2:50 PM Blockchain Innovation meets Consumer Protection:Can blockchain technology protect consumers? How will it impact the way the U.S. Government monitors and regulates financial solvency, custodianship requirements, insurance, and more.
Moderator: Kyle Burgess, Consumers’ Research
Duane Pozza, U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Natalee Binkholder, Office of Rep. Mick Mulvaney, U.S. House of Representatives
Brian Hoffman, Open Bazaar
Dana Syracuse, BuckleySandler
2:50 PM -3:05 PM BREAK
3:05PM – 4:00 PM Alternative Use Cases: Hear from several innovative Blockchain companies that are exploring distributed ledger technology in non-financial services industry applications.
Moderator: Susan Poole, BlockBridge Advisory
Bill Schafer, Fairledger
Gregory Simon, loyyal
Paul Grassi, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), US Department of Commerce
Tomicah Tillemann, Bretton Woods II, New America
4:00 PM- 4:15 PM Keynote: Stephen Taylor, DC Commissioner, Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking
4:20PM – 4:55PM The Future of Blockchain Panel: We’ll end the day with a look into the near, mid-term and distant future of Blockchain technology. Are we in the early stages of the next industrial revolution or in the middle of a hype-cycle?
Moderator: Joe Colangelo, Consumers’ Research
Yorke Rhodes III, Microsoft
Ryan Shea, Blockstack
Brian Hoffman, Open Bazaar
Meeta Yadav, IBM
5:00 PM – 5:45 PM NETWORKING
2. August 2016 All Day(GMT+00:00)