Mo.. Feb. 10th, 2025

General Assembly

17may18:3021:00General AssemblyGeneral Assembly

Event Details


• President and Board candidates will be announced, open for new candidates to take part in the elections

• Elect the President

• Elect the Board

• Elect the auditor, if any (–> please get in touch with us if someone wants to do this, but it’s optional)

• Examine and approve the yearly accounts (President / Treasurer – The financial year is the calendar year.)

• Approve the activities program suggested by the Board:

• The BAS attends conferences with a booth to educate people on Bitcoin

• The BAS continues to act as the main contact point for journalists

• The BAS organizes and finances events (talks, workshops) for it’s members and the general public on Bitcoin, Blockchain, etc.

• Organize translation of Mastering Bitcoin from Andreas M. Antonopoulos to German (Bounties, etc.)

• (comment here to suggest more activities)

• Approve the yearly budget and investments (President / Treasurer)

• —> Beer & Burger

You don’t need to be a member to attend.

Statuten (German):

Statutes (English):

Our Mission

We form an active community of enthusiasts with regular events, try to resolve open legal questions, and educate the public by providing a contact point for media inquiries and by already having presented Bitcoin at dozens of 3rd party events.

Bitcoin has the potential not only to revolutionize online payments, but also to give control over their financial transactions and assets back to individuals, and to serve as an asset with exceptionally strong property guarantees. Furthermore, its technology has the potential to serve as a platform for countless other services that can benefit from decentralized consensus and cryptographically secure tracking of property. As an Association, we want to pave the way for Bitcoin to flourish and unfold its full potential.

Digital Finance Compliance Association

For corporate advice on regulation and compliance, we recommend to get in touch with the Digital Finance Compliance Association, an industry consortium of crypto-currency companies in Switzerland.



17. Mai 2016 18:30 - 21:00 MEZ(GMT+00:00)

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