Annual General Assembly of the Bitcoin Association Switzerland - 2019
Event Details
This is a Bitcoin Association Switzerland member-only event. All members of the BAS are cordially invited. To join the Bitcoin Association check out our website: Itinerary Report about the past years
Event Details
This is a Bitcoin Association Switzerland member-only event.
All members of the BAS are cordially invited.
To join the Bitcoin Association check out our website:
- Report about the past years activitie
- Examine and approve the yearly accounts
- Elect the President
- Elect the Board
- Discharge the board for previous year
- Approve the activities program suggested by the Board
- Approve the yearly budget and investments
- Additional discussion and voting on various:
- Change of Statutes
Art. 2 Abs. 4
Der Aussschluss von Mitgliedern ist durch Beschluss der Mitgliederversammlung möglich in Fällen groben Fehlverhaltens.
(English Version: Dismissal of a member is permissible in cases of gross misconduct by resolution of the Members‘ Assembly.)
Der Aussschluss von Mitgliedern ist durch Beschluss des Vorstandes möglich.
(English Version: Dismissal of a member happens by resolution of the Board.)
Door opening: 18:30
GA start: 19:00
Members are invited to send the BAS board suggestions for agenda items to, Subject „BAS GA 2018 – Agenda Items“ until April 30th 2019.
22. Mai 2019 18:30 - 20:30 CEST(GMT+00:00)