AI in Finance Summit (Toronto)
09nov(nov 9)19:0010(nov 10)19:00AI in Finance Summit (Toronto)Toronto
Event Details
website Discover advances in AI & machine learning tools and techniques from the world’s leading innovators across industry, research and the financial sector. Our events bring together the latest technology
Event Details
Discover advances in AI & machine learning tools and techniques from the world’s leading innovators across industry, research and the financial sector.
Our events bring together the latest technology advancements as well as practical examples to apply AI to solve challenges in business and society. Our unique mix of academia and industry enables you to meet with AI pioneers at the forefront of research, as well as exploring real-world case studies to discover the business value of AI.
Discover advances in machine learning tools and techniques from the world’s leading innovators across industry, academia and the financial sector. Speakers will share insights into recent breakthroughs in technical advancements and fintech applications including financial forecasting & compliance.
A unique opportunity to interact with industry leaders, influential technologists, data scientists & founders leading the machine learning revolution. Learn from & connect with 400+ industry innovators sharing best practices to improve regulations, security and risk in the financial sector.
9. November 2022 19:00 - 10. November 2022 19:00(GMT-11:00)