Do.. Feb. 13th, 2025

dotGo 2016

10octAll DaydotGo 2016Paris

Event Details

The European Go conference – 3rd edition on October 10th, 2016 in Paris – part of the dotConferences series.

Our mission is to bring the best hackers in the world in Paris to let them share their unique insights with you all.

Creators of the most popular Go projects, members of the Go team, respected hackers with a growing love for Go: you can trust us to invite the best of them.

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Robert Kelsey
Matthew Holt
Robert Griesemer

Co-creator of Go


Kelsey Hightower

Developer Advocate at

Google Cloud Platform

Matthew Holt

Author of Caddy



Dave Cheney Katrina Owen Dmitri Shuralyov
Dave Cheney

Contributor to the

Go project

Katrina Owen

Creator of

Dmitri Shuralyov

Contributor to GopherJS



Damian Gryski Brad Rydzewski Elias Naur`
Damian Gryski

Developer at

Brad Rydzewski

Author of Drone CI

Elias Naur

Contributor to Gomobile



Péter Szilágyi Rhys Hiltner
Péter Szilágyi

Core Developer at Ethereum

Rhys Hiltner

Software Engineer at Twitch



10. Oktober 2016 All Day CEST(GMT+00:00)


Théâtre de Paris

15 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris

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Théâtre de Paris

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