Bitcoin News Schweiz hat bereits darüber berichtet: Bei Coinbase (10 CHF-Gutschein weiter unten im Artikel) lassen sich recht einfach Token verdienen. Wie? Ganz einfach: Schaue Mini-Lenvideos von ca. 2 Minuten Länge und beantworte darauf eine Quizfrage. Bei jeder richtigen Antwort werden 2 USD in EOS Token gutgeschrieben. Weitere Dollar lassen sich dann durch das Einlanden von Bekannten zum „Lehrgang“ verdienen. Diese 5 Lernvideos wurden heute für Schweizer Coinbase-Kunden freigeschaltet:
What are EOSIO and EOS?
EOSIO is a blockchain protocol designed for fast, free, and secure applications. EOS is a popular blockchain that uses the EOSIO protocol; it’s also the name of the blockchain’s system token.
What is Delegated Proof of Stake?
Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) is EOSIO’s consensus model. It helps ensure EOSIO blockchains operate quickly and efficiently. In this lesson, we’ll explore how DPoS works and what its benefits are.
What is the EOS token?
EOS is a cryptocurrency running on the EOS blockchain. It’s fast, free to transfer, used for governance, and lets users and developers generate the resources they need to run applications on EOS
CPU, NET, and RAM: Resources on EOSIO
Running an application on EOSIO requires 3 resources: CPU, NET, and RAM. How are these resources generated and how are they used? We’ll explore the answers in this lesson.
Developing apps with EOSIO
EOSIO is designed for large-scale, real-world blockchain applications. In this final lesson, we’ll explore some of the reasons a developer might choose to use EOSIO for their blockchain-based app.
Lektionen für Fortgeschrittene
Gemäss Coinbase Earn folgen EOS-Lektionen für fortgeschrittene in Kürze!