Einem neuen Bericht des World Economic Forum zufolge will die Nationalbank von Kambodscha die erste Zentralbank der Welt sein, die die Blockchain-Technologie einsetzt.
Die Nationalbank von Kambodscha will einen neuen Präzedenzfall schaffen. Nachdem die Distributed Ledger-Technologie seit Ende 2017 getestet wurde, plant die Bank, dieses Jahr noch die Blockchain Technologie voll nutzen zu können. Dabei geht die Nationalbank Kambodschas über das einfache studieren und erforschen der Blockchain hinaus: Die Nationalbank sagte, dass die Blockchain noch im Jahr 2019 in ihr nationales Zahlungssystem integriert wird.
Hier der betreffende Abschnitt im Wortlaut / Zitat aus dem WEF-Report:
The National Bank of Cambodia
In a second example, the National Bank of Cambodia will be one of the first countries to use blockchain technology in its national payments systems for use by consumers and commercial banks. It is implementing blockchain technology in the second half of 2019 as an experiment to support both financial inclusion and greater banking system efficiency.
Cambodia’s underbanked populations use cash (both in US dollars and Cambodian riel) and a variety of mobile-phone based private payment applications to store and send money between each other and businesses. Retail savings and payments are fragmented and citizens are unable to reliably save money in mobile phone-based accounts. They also have difficulty transferring money to those who use a different mobile money application from themselves.
The new blockchain-based payment system, in which consumers gain access via participating commercial banks, is designed to operate both with private mobile
payment applications and commercial bank accounts, facilitating interoperable retail payments between citizens and businesses and encouraging citizens to adopt bank accounts, which support savings and financial stability.Furthermore, Cambodia’s domestic interbank system lacks highly efficient payments and settlements processes. This opens the window for experimentation to improve upon and potentially “leapfrog” traditional wholesale interbank processes. As with France, economies that are similar to Cambodia’s in the ASEAN region which observe the National Bank of Cambodia’s implementation may identify opportunities for themselves to use such DLT applications to enhance financial inclusion and banking-sector efficiency.